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Himalaya Wellness Triphala Syrup-1

Bloating & Laxatives Brand:Himalaya Division:Himalaya Drug Company Strength:200 Ml
 97.00  97.00 0% Off  
About Himalaya Wellness Triphala Syrup-1 :
Supports normal detoxification of the bowels and aids normal bowel movements. Provides a gentle pro-kinetic effect on the bowels and helps relieve long-standing constipation without causing dependence. The active constituents derived from three fruits exe
Instruction About Himalaya Wellness Triphala Syrup-1 :
Disclaimer: The product information contained herein is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. does not endorse the appropriateness or reliability of this informatio
Uses Instruction About Himalaya Wellness Triphala Syrup-1 :
Children: 7.5 ml(1 ½ teaspoons)twice a day Adults: 15 ml(3 teaspoonfuls)twice a day
Features Himalaya Wellness Triphala Syrup-1 :
Triphala: It supports normal detoxification of the bowels and aids normal bowel movements. Ideal for Chronic constipation, indigestion, delayed emptying of the stomach Constipation associated with piles and other medical illn